We are at a convergence of past and future this week: the collective is being invited to consider history. Sidelined, untold, ignored, suppressed, marginalized narratives of history are being brought to the forefront with the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. Collective, social conversations have moved toward discussing systemic racism and the ways in which these societal power dynamics have been internalized in individual psyches.
Simultaneously, Mars and Neptune join up in Pisces, bringing up a field of envisioning the future. Together, Mars and Neptune can represent visionary action, but also feelings of hopelessness or despair that one might have when considering a massive journey ahead that one is not sure they are capable of winning.
Watch the video version of this forecast, or continue reading below –
Sometimes we need to feel despair, but there are also times we cannot afford for despair to be a pool we pull our actions from – a pot of ink we are dipping a pen into that we are writing our future with.
We instead must access a vision and find a real sense of courage in our hearts to believe in that vision, and from this place unconditionally act in alignment with vision.
This week asks for range. Whether we are tuning into the collective situation or very personal situations, or some inevitable intersection of both, there are two storylines happening and it will be our lived experiences that are a discovery of how they cohere. The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn relates to a desire to get to the bottom of it all – to see with laser-vision and to transform the dysfunction, to see with laser-vision and to transform abuses of power, to see with laser-vision and be transformed by difficult truths. The Mars-Neptune conjunction in Pisces relates to fierce dreaming, discovering morale that is spiritually or inspirationally sourced, and being driven to act from a place of love.
This week asks for range because perhaps it is our dreams that need deep roots (not shallow ones), and it is our deepest roots that need love and healing. This is tears and laughter, sobriety and illumination. Do we allow ourselves a deep range of experiencing or have we set up camp in one place in our psyches, rigidly defending other perspectives from getting in?
Including it all stretches our capacities. How is life inviting you to have a more complex experience right now or to feel something beyond your normal patterns? When you’re standing on shallow ice and working so hard for it not to crack, can you let it break and feel what is underneath? When you’re really at your lowest, can you source a flicker of fire that pulls you up?
A reminder as well that with Saturn currently in Aquarius, there is work in community building. Are you offering your support to the web of life around you in the way you are gifted and abundant? And are you asking for help and allowing yourself to be supported in your need? Both contribute to thriving living systems.

Welcome back! Or in case this is your first time here, I’m Sabrina Monarch and I’m a soul-centered astrologer. I love providing perspectives on the opportunities of transits and putting into words what the vibe feels like at this moment in time, to support you on your path & open a dialogue between us and the cosmos. If you would like to receive these weekly forecasts to your inbox, sign up for my mailing list here. This is also a great way to stay in the loop about special offerings and to be notified when Evolutionary Astrology Intensive opens up for enrollment!
Here’s our week, after a few announcements:
Kickstarter coming June 2020: June has begun the sixth year of writing these weekly forecasts and I’ll be asking for your support to crowdfund the year ahead. I’ll be offering astrology readings, discounted tuition to my Evolutionary Astrology course, and more. These forecasts have long been free and providing so much value to many people’s lives, and I truly need the support of you as my community to thrive. (Consider me like public radio!) I aim to keep sharing valuable free content for years to come and I ask for your help keeping Monarch Astrology around. This will be my first Kickstarter – please help me make it a success! The Kickstarter is coming later this month.

New episode of Magic of the Spheres! This episode is a deeper invitation into sensing and perceiving the interconnectedness of all things – from the connection between celestial and earthly events, from ecology and sexuality, between our lives and the evolution of the cosmos. I interviewed Michael J. Morris, and we discussed astrology, ecosexuality, Black Lives Matter and liberation. I said it a few times in the episode but the conversation was literally psychedelic in feeling to me. Michael speaks to us of connection and is themselves, such a connector and I am really excited to bring you this conversation.
Michael J. Morris is a writer, an educator, a facilitator, an artist, a witch, an astrologer, and a tarot reader who supports folks in making meaning of their lives as a practice of personal and collective healing and liberation. They have a consulting practice called Co Witchcraft Offerings, and they are also a Visiting Assistant Professor at Denison University where they teach in Women’s and Gender Studies, Queer Studies, and Environmental Studies. They hold a PhD in Dance Studies from The Ohio State University, and they bring decades of experience in movement and somatic practices, feminist and queer theory, and critical theories of embodiment to their work in astrology, tarot, and ritual. They are a practitioner of yoga, butoh, and reiki, all of which inform their approaches to healing and liberation.
Tune in where you listen to podcasts! Or on your browser here.
Here’s our week:
June 11, 2020
Sun in 20 Gemini square Neptune in 20 Pisces: 2:37 AM PDT

(Image: C. Bhagyanath)
The Sun is drawing closer to the North Node in Gemini, and this Neptune-Sun square highlights the transit of Neptune in Pisces square the nodal axis in Sagittarius and Gemini.
Neptune in Pisces, from an evolutionary astrology standpoint, has unfinished business with the South Node in Sagittarius (Neptune was last conjunct the South Node, not the North Node) and is balanced out through the South Node and the ruler of the South Node, Jupiter in Capricorn.
These are some dynamics at play to consider:

(Image: Silvia Levenson)
- It is as though there are deeper levels of love and compassion wanting to incarnate onto the planet right now, through people’s consciousnesses and tangible events on earth. Any planet squaring the nodal axis is at a deep impasse or crossroads, and here with Neptune it is a crisis around love.
- The Gemini/Sagittarius axis connects to themes of language, diversity, culture, tribalism, codeswitching or building bridges between cultures, and cultural literacy. With Neptune at an impasse here, platitudes around “oneness” that are tone-deaf to cultural differences and cultural histories are increasingly not tolerated, and are being deconstructed.
- The planetary ruler (and activator) of the South Node in Sagittarius is Jupiter in Capricorn, conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. The masses of people talking about and learning about systemic, institutional racism is a clear example of this Jupiter in Capricorn conjunct Pluto transit. Jupiter is knowledge, and Capricorn relates to sobering realities. Pluto exposes and brings hidden things to the surface (while of course “hidden” dynamics are obvious realities to many. The conversation on privilege highlights that those who have privilege do not readily have to think about concerns that are lived realities for those without those privileges.). A widespread conversation and critique occurring now is that people who benefit from white privilege in a systemically racist society are often the same ones touting meditations of “oneness” or “all lives matter” instead of doing the emotional, mental, and spiritual work of being on the ground with what is actually happening, and how resources and opportunities are unequally distributed. For anyone really wanting to incarnate more love on the planet, Jupiter in Capricorn actually acts like a guide.
- The question with Jupiter in Capricorn conjunct Pluto is what difficult realities are being exposed, and what would it mean to take responsibility, therein? If we are deeply merged with an unjust culture – merged as in, conditioned by it and it’s the water we’ve always swam in, and its rules and its mores and our compliance with those rules and mores has largely dictated our success and sense of belonging – how does the individual metabolizing and transforming that conditioning within themselves contribute to a change in the world? What about masses of individuals doing this inner deconstructive work?

(Image: Samuli Heimonen)
- Whether it is the world we are considering and/or our own individual narratives, there is spiritual deepening and healing to be found in being with the difficulty and being with the grief, rather than simply inventing rationalizations to explain it away. We are being asked to consider the integrity of the roots. Platitudes are distasteful because they lack depth. We may be attracted to what sparkles, what feels light and enjoyable, but if it’s a layer of pleasantries on top of a whole mountain of crisis, it’s actually just avoidance.
- We are being asked to trust the ‘fall’, what it means to not-know, or to lose an ego-structure or aspect of our identity that we’ve clung onto out of basic needs for security.
- As we allow ourselves the range of grief or disillusionment that this transit can represent (Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn), our capacity to be curious and inventive can also emerge more potently, like a first bloom after winter. There are places we are being urged to trust the depths of soul before we try to make things feel nice and all good from a shallow place. Love wants to reach places it is needed the most, and we are being asked to expand our range – to be able to hold grief and pain and still have an open and persevering heart.
- The Sun in Gemini squaring Neptune presents the possibility that our conversations and our circulation of ideas are important parts of a collective healing process right now. Some of these conversations are being broadcasted and disseminated on social media. In private conversations as well, friends are processing collective events and complex emotions with each other.
June 13, 2020
Mars in 20 Pisces conjunct Neptune in 20 Pisces: 7:13 AM PDT

(Image: C. Bhagyanath – Secret Dialogue)
- The spiritual challenge and offering of this placement is having a vision, and moving forward on our goals even though we may feel doubtful and discouraged, or we may feel as though our efforts are not yielding any results. Mars in Pisces can teach us to act unconditionally – to act in alignment with our soul’s truth and soul’s nobility without attachment to outcomes.
- Having a vision will quite literally vitalize us at this time. For those who have a vision at this time, it’s like having the sails set and being ready for a journey. Even though some difficult experiences may be ahead, we feel ready and game. For those who do not have a vision, this is time to visualize. Connect with your desires. Find your courage to believe that your dreams are possible. Then focus on what you are dreaming of and shape it into your reality. If you either do not have a vision, or do not believe that your vision is possible, you may be experiencing exhaustion or an inner-sense of defeat – remember vision vitalizes under this transit.

- A relevant task for Mars-Neptune is aligning the personal will with the divine will, and this can be done through prayer, meditation, and opening oneself to intuition.
- Mars-Neptune is also a good time to work with prayers around dissolving fear. One of my favorites is praying to the angels that I offer my fears and anxieties to them for transmutation. Relieving oneself of fear is not about losing a navigation system that prevents us from danger. It’s rather more about tuning into a frequency where we act from love and authority, that we are able to feel what is right. There are inner-protectors – knowing and intuition – that are higher octave than fear, and the spiritual warrior (Mars in Pisces or Mars Neptune aspects) trains themselves to act from a profoundly loving place.
Thank you for meditating on the planets with me this week! If you would like further guidance, I do offer natal chart readings (book here) and have been increasingly focused on longer-term 1:1 work with my students and clients, in the form of mentorship – helping people form a depth relationship to their natal chart and personal transits over time, to develop themselves, to heal, and to reach their goals, all through the soul-making lens of evolutionary astrology. If you’re interested in working together in that capacity, I am currently accepting new clients. Send me an email at sabrina@monarchastrology.com to start a conversation and set up a free consultation call.
Find me on Instagram @sabrinamonarch and Twitter @Sabrina_monarch, get on my mailing list to stay apprised of all upcoming offerings and events, and I’ll see you next week!
With love,
Sabrina Monarch
Sabrina Monarch is a soul-centered Evolutionary Astrologer who publishes weekly astrological forecasts, works with clients and teaches. She is a novelist and has a M.A. in Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies.
(image of monarch butterflies coming out of envelope by @chthonicbacchae)
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