Jupiter in Capricorn (where Jupiter has been since December 2019) relates to crises in faith, and greater difficulty around feeling optimistic. More people are consistently reporting feeling depressed or overwhelmed “by the world”, and this is kind of like quicksand – a grid of collective group-think and fear, with a good deal of gravity. It has even in some cases become the most proper form of discourse – one that at least signals responsibility.
The world isn’t the only place where reality IS, or reality is generated. It is like the most collectively visible top-layer, and a manifestation of past thoughts, dreams, and patterns. If we only focus on the world as it is, we lose touch with our creative visionary power to contact other worlds and weave those ones into ours.
What if it were also responsible to keep visions and dreams alive? To be with our power, our love, and our sovereignty such that we can creatively participate with life and bring our magic into the fabric of this reality?
If, beset by your own personal version of a crisis in faith or a gloomy outlook on the future, consider what your best way of being would look like despite that, and consider the transcendent value of showing up to life in that fashion – loyal to your heart and spirit, and not your fear. If there was ever a zeitgeist to test that capacity, we’re in one. And it is our responsibility to get ahead of that.
I invite you to consider what coming back into touch with faith/hope would look like for you at this time and where you can source a deeper authority within yourself as a result.
Welcome back! Or in case this is your first time here, I’m Sabrina Monarch and I’m a soul-centered astrologer. I love providing perspectives on the opportunities of transits and putting into words what the vibe feels like at this moment in time, to support you on your path & open a dialogue between us and the cosmos. If you would like to receive these weekly forecasts to your inbox, sign up for my mailing list here.
Here’s our week, after a few announcements:
⏰ JUST DAYS LEFT ⏰ Kickstarter to fund the year ahead of astrology forecasts and Magic of the Spheres podcast episodes: June marked the beginning of the sixth year of writing these weekly forecasts and I’m asking for your support to crowdfund the year ahead. I’m offering astrology readings, discounted tuition to my Evolutionary Astrology course, and more. These forecasts have long been free and providing so much value to many people’s lives, and I truly need the support of you as my community to thrive. (Consider me like public radio!) I aim to keep sharing valuable free content for years to come and I ask for your help keeping Monarch Astrology around. Please help me reach my goal of having 200 backers – we’re at 77 at the time of publishing this forecast! The campaign lasts till July 30. Back the campaign here.

I’m really excited to share this course in part because I literally don’t think there is anything else out there like it! It’s a psychological, intutive, mystical exploration on the process of cultivating an online presence. This includes moving away from the narrative of the internet as a place of soul-depleting scrolling and moving toward an imagination of the internet as a place of magic, opportunity, and connection — and then actually embodying that more enriching perspective in how one participates with the collective airwaves.
This course also explores the inner-psychological, often hidden/private, processes that go into the cultivation of an online life or a public presence. The resistances and anxieties that come along with this are archetypal and human, and very much part of the path.
I hope that this course unlocks catalytic insights that makes way for businesses, friendships, colleague relationships that are now just awaiting in the wings. Enrollment is open through the Kickstarter at its lowest ever price.

Learn Evolutionary Astrology with me in August! The next run of the Evolutionary Astrology intensive begins this August. Note you can enroll at a discount through the Kickstarter! This is a transformational course with glowing alumni feedback – learn more about the program and read reviews on the course page here.
This course is all levels. Have that click where you *get* astrology and can begin to form your own interpretations, or profoundly deepen your existing awareness. Learn how to read charts as a whole from the perspective of reincarnation – what past life themes have you brought into this lifetime that you are still working with? What is your purpose in this lifetime, and what helps you to evolve? Gain a personal mythos and a soulful context for a deeper understanding of any area of your life – and learn wisdom teachings of depth astrology that you can engage to empower your soul’s potentials.
Having a personal understanding of astrology is LIFE-CHANGING.
If you’re considering this course and have any questions, start a conversation with me by sending me an email at sabrina@monarchastrology.com. Most logistical questions should be answered on the course page itself, but if you have personal questions about your learning journey with astrology or what you wish to gain out of this class, I’m here to talk with you!
New episode of Magic of the Spheres!

Tylynn Mackenzie and I discuss the asteroid goddesses Pallas Athena, Vesta, Ceres, and Juno, and how they archetypally show up in people’s lives. Tylynn journeys with the planets & asteroids and sources visions and images about them, both for exploring their planets and asteroid’s natures in of themselves and for downloading transmissions to share with her clients. Listen to this episode where you tune into podcasts or on your browser here! Connect with Tylynn at https://rebuildsoultrust.square.site and @tylynnmackenzie on IG.
Here’s our week:
July 22, 2020
Sun enters Leo: 1:37 AM PDT

(Image: Garrett Patz)
- Cancer Season currently comes with the pressures of oppositions to Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, and more recently Saturn’s retrograde back into Capricorn. As for Leo Season, we get a square activation between the Sun in Leo and Uranus in Taurus. We begin to transition from this last Cancer Season’s themes of extra-emotionality and security concerns to a potential for more lightheartedness, play, and focus on innovation.
- Leo puts us in touch with the reality that we can hold a vision at heart and exude/radiate it from our very being. Leo is a fixed fire sign, relating to steady visionary/creative quality. Leo also does love attention and validation. This external feedback fuels one’s fire, but isn’t one’s fire itself. Leo calls upon our capacity to get in touch with our confidence, own our creative/visionary birthright, and put ourselves out there to be seen and to inspire and touch others with our light.
- With the square to Uranus in Taurus characterizing part of the Sun’s journey in Leo, there may be some upgrades available around affluence and abundance. Affluence relates to the quality of resources “flowing toward” one. We can increase abundance in our lives when we open our creative channels and allow our internal creativity to flow forth, as well as when we open our hearts to appreciating and praising more (other people, life itself — just cultivating more of a generous perception). Take note however, that pre-existing feelings of not having enough or not being enough can tug at us to be more conservative with our energy, while getting in touch with an actual generosity of spirit is a renewable creative resource.
Mercury in 10 Cancer sextile Uranus in 10 Taurus: 1:25 PM PDT

(Image: Jessica Andersdotter)
- The contemporary times that we live in (not just 2020 but the current era) really require that we develop a relationship with our bodies and nervous systems. Imagine *not* going into fight-or-flight in moments where you really don’t need to be THAT activated or thrown off. Imagine knowing how to bring yourself into a state of harmony at will. Utilize your practices and technologies (breathwork, yoga, tantra, visualization, meditation) and continue evolving them or discovering new ones. It is one of the best investments we can make in such a hyper-stimulating reality as ours.
- Given that theoretical ideas entertained in the mind can create chemical responses in the body (“what-if” fearful thoughts create stress hormones, and blissful fantasies create physical relaxation in the body), it would be worth it to intentionally cultivate our minds, steadily and habitually, to live into more elevated, vibrant, and harmonious realities.
July 27, 2020
Jupiter retrograde in 20 Capricorn sextile Neptune retrograde in 20 Pisces: 9:07 AM PDT

(Image: Michael Whelan)
- For many, Jupiter’s transit in Capricorn can correlate with crises in faith. Where we before or normally had a basic trust in reality, we have potentially developed hypervigilant qualities to make sure nothing goes wrong under our watch. On the one hand, this can relate to taking responsibility in places we had previously been ignorant or checked-out. In other cases, especially related to what is truly out of our control, we may want to instead tune into the grief that we have for feeling lost or disconnected from Spirit (where we feel this) and get in touch with our longing to be connected once more. Consider surrendering more deeply. Consider the possibility that miracles still exist and you can receive answers to your most difficult problems – not by ruthlessly grasping to the process but taking a moment to let go and ask for help from Source.
- The above point is not about neglecting moral issues or neglecting responsibility, but taking the time to let go and surrender as a way of recalibrating and rejuvenating in-between doing the work we have been called to. Around-the-clock hypervigilance is not sustainable.
- Many manifestation teachings inform us that we can transcend the limitations of time or the current moment by feeling a certain way regardless of what is happening – and that through the feeling, we attract the new reality in a way we couldn’t if we were only concerned with the past/present as we already perceive it to be.
Venus in 20 Gemini square Neptune retrograde in 20 Pisces: 10:48 AM PDT

This was the aspect that the Venus retrograde began under on May 12 – and it was a theme that permeated most of the retrograde. Now direct, Venus forming this aspect and making her way onward signals another phase of integration/closure of whatever journey of the heart we have been on this spring/summer.
- We may be currently invited/challenged to discover and work with right use of fantasy AND let go of deluded thinking in love. As an example, being in touch with our fantasy life and practicing visualization and being imaginative and artistic can be great. But projecting fantasies onto others despite the very real signals they are giving, not so much.
- This is an important time to clear out confused behavior in love, by recognizing it and considering more elevated options. Have you taken another persons’s unavailability as a challenge to win them over? Have you not stated your needs and desires and hope that another person will magically just figure it out? Whatever it is, this is our spiritual-relational puzzle – an opening toward an evolution and deepening in love that grows out of clarity and honesty, and disillusion of whatever obscures the truth of the connection.

- As a counterpoint to clarity – the presence of ambiguity can be enhancing and valuable. Just consider the form it is taking. The attitude toward a significant other (romantic, friend, otherwise) and the relationship itself that it is an unfolding mystery and that both people involved are continually changing and evolving can leave room for novelty and fascination – as an example.
Mercury in 16 Cancer square Mars in 16 Aries: 2:46 PM PDT

This aspect happened not too long ago, shortly before Mercury stationed direct, and it is back again.
- You might track in yourself and others more immediate/impulsive emotional responses to information.
- There is an increased drive around making decisions around media/information intake due to the recognition that we might not actually be wanting to digest all of it.
- Perhaps more important however, than just sheltering ourselves from sources of stress, is learning new Ideas or skillsets which help us be more intentional in our vibration, rather than just getting swayed by whatever stimulus comes our way.
Thank you for meditating on the planets with me this week! If you would like further guidance, I do offer natal chart readings (book here) and have been increasingly focused on longer-term 1:1 work with my students and clients, in the form of mentorship – helping people form a depth relationship to their natal chart and personal transits over time, to develop themselves, to heal, and to reach their goals, all through the soul-making lens of evolutionary astrology. If you’re interested in working together in that capacity, I am currently accepting new clients. Send me an email at sabrina@monarchastrology.com to start a conversation and set up a free consultation call.
Find me on Instagram @sabrinamonarch and Twitter @Sabrina_monarch, get on my mailing list to stay apprised of all upcoming offerings and events, and I’ll see you next week!
Enjoyed this forecast? Please help me fund the year ahead through this Kickstarter!
With love,
Sabrina Monarch
(Top Image: Philipp Igumnov)
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