The Pisces Moon is KINDLY trining and sextiling the Sun – Pluto opposition (which goes exact tomorrow). Healing & dissolving the surfacing psychological muck. When you…
Anything that does not serve you (such as fear, anxiety, grudges, etc.) can be offered up to Source to be transmuted. All you have to do…
If Pluto being in the sign that rules over the dimension of linear time wasn’t enough, the square to Uranus in Aries is enough to accelerate…
You are probably feeling the Venus – Jupiter in Leo conjunction build up, and the Venus and Jupiter trine to Uranus in Aries and the build…
The US Supreme Court ruled for marriage equality as Venus is just about to be in exact trine to Uranus (liberation). The Jupiter – Uranus trine…
Film noir and classic Hollywood archetypes portray a certain height (before the fall) of societally prescribed gender role for male and female, where Cancer is female and…
My friend was just talking with me about how really successful and driven people did not get to where they are at just by chance or for…
Before the exact trine between Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries on June 22, I would advise everyone to knock some stuff off of their to-do list!…
Every now and then we express or hear sentiments about words not having much power or effect – all talk, no action, etc, yet Mars in…
The only dream I remember from this morning involved me looking at a “starburst of light” (that was in the dream language too) over a pebbled…