Month of August 2015
Aries/Aries Rising: If you have not looked into Vesta before, now is a good time to think about her. She’s been in your sign but this month she goes retrograde – meaning that the themes in your life that you’ve been exploring around her get amplified. She is the keeper of the hearth and the sacred flame – as this translates to you, it is what is sacred for you, how do you harness your life force for the most optimal Qi flow. Your fire houses are all filled up too – Venus stays in your solar house of romance and creativity all month long. Your fire house with direct momentum is now your solar house of philosophy and higher knowledge, with the goddess of strategy Athena herself poised direct. Living your truth is the beat of the drum. Your most creative solutions come from philosophical expansion, though Jupiter in VIRGO means you may have to work and ‘purify’ (coming into gratitude, feeling at home with spirit, humility, etc.. goodie Virgo stuff) for those shimmering gold awarenesses calling you from afar.
Taurus/Taurus Rising: The emotional life is active this month, now with Mars entering your solar house of the ego. You can watch as this month you are challenged by the emotional 2-year old within. This is the part of you flaring up and getting upset even when another side of you, maybe the more rational side, says “I shouldn’t feel that way,” gruffly, and then begins to rationalize why the situation merits feeling ‘all right’. The flaring inner-child right now does not need to be rational for it to be a significant point of development. Just as you wouldn’t in a really open hearted place ignore a crying child, it’s your turn to parent yourself when you flare up this month – in earnest. And have a laugh about it after! The point is dealing with it with love and let it transmute into something creative. It’s not coming up just to go away – it’s coming up to change forms.
Gemini/Gemini Rising: This is a month of very passionate expressions – instinctively the ability to be creative quickly and for all to see is here with this Leo burst through your solar house of communications. Saturn pings off this energy by square and offers at once a passionate, but different and sometimes clashing perspective – that of refining and using caution, differentiating, defining, classifying, and discerning what would otherwise be spontaneously released upon first thought. You want fusion of playful and pragmatic— just as you want to have the exciting burst of creative thoughts and ideas, you also want a place to store and file them for the future.. Saturn helps you with aligning your creative impulses this month in a more sustainable way, especially if you are willing to put the work in and finish out the details that need to get hammered out for the full vision to really shine through (even unrelated unfinished tasks, once completed, will help your world of pleasure and leisure to take more form).
Cancer/Cancer Rising: This month is a value shift. On the one hand, you have been doing something reliably and getting desired results for some time – you’ve conditioned your creative attraction process in some way. The Venus Rx is sparking a new awareness of what your values are evolving into. Your challenge this month is allowing some stiff pattern of habits to dissolve, change forms, and also to be able to use the creative fire that is emerging within now to inform your new practices. You can by all means hold to a standard – as long as you identify with the standard, but then when things shift, the standards do too. A lot of these conditioned habits are UNCONSCIOUS, by the way – it is a matter of looking how to fuse your intentions with your methods, as sometimes one gets ahead of the other. Your feelings will lead you to the right moments to check-in.
Leo/Leo Rising: Are you staying true to your higher principles is a question for this month – or also are those principles still being developed now by experience? An instinctual desire to know something that requires a leap.. for a recurring desire that comes to you, and you’ve maybe thought no before — this is one to pay attention to. What urgings are you coming back to now? Consider yourself a strategist of creative expansion this month now with Athena in Sagg direct in your solar house of creativity. You are going to become knowledgeable and skillful in applying your discernment to what rabbit holes are worth jumping into. Never jump in, and life gets stale, but there is a kind of spiritual alignment with opportunity such that the RIGHT opportunities are attracted to you and it feels right going in – that is your magic to find this month.
Virgo/Virgo Rising: Jupiter planet of wisdom, philosophy and expansion enters Virgo August 11… the last time this happened was 2003 – so potentially that might be an interesting year to think about right now in terms of where you left off the Jupiter cycle… until it reaches your Sun/Ascendant exactly and then passes it, themes of wisdom from that 8 year time period are coming to a moment of revelation before the start of the new cycle. You can be called to learn any unfinished ‘lessons’ (Jupiter as teacher after all). This can be both beautiful and frustrating, depending on what the storyline is — but there is a calling to really ground the insights and figure out how it’s able to find creative realization at the end of the cycle through you. Your ruler Mercury enters your sign on the 7th and stays there for the rest of the month. You can very much expect to be in your element as a speaker, writer, and communicator.
Libra/Libra Rising: This is a rut-breaking month! Saturn blasting in direct the last few degrees of Scorpio in your solar house of inner-Venus, inner-relationship: stagnancies will not be tolerated – and I don’t mean “or else”, I just mean that you won’t like the stagnancy! Then, Venus your planetary ruler is so brilliant to be in the house of innovation at the same time – your ability to put your mind to creating new ways of doing things, of orienting yourself, etc… is tapped into higher mind and she is thoughtful and reflective as she goes along. Once your energy is being put into your own innovation, the Saturn part of the equation will equal a force in grounding those ideas into something sustainable for you. Whenever you feel stuck, find some media sources that spark you and open you to lots of different information. It will open your strategic problem solving mind to the world of anything being possible.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: A lot of wisdom this month for you comes from examining with the heart where you have begun to fall into established patterns or habits for the reason perhaps of “well, it’s just the way things are”. Not so anymore, that is to be sure. Innovation is popping up everywhere. Everywhere you get the feeling of weariness or feel taxed as you do something you think you’re supposed to love, that is where it’s time to back up and take a look! At the same time, you can be feeling that radical Venus rx feeling – of having a better idea of what you want, therefore being more likely to act on it even though maybe it’s not the safest plan, or it’s one that’s bound to make a few waves. Here’s where strategy and Goddess Athena come in – now direct in your house of inner-Venus, inner values – expansion of the self and of possibilities comes as a wild ride – it needs an expert guide – that is your intuition.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: The boundary of authority is shifting – how much of your inner authority you have outsourced, or have you exploited someone else? You are far better served by aligning to the Tao (The Way), than you are with the impulse to form an illusion of control over it- though when you align, the structures that support your desires become more and more present. A lot of this month will be listening to that inner-guru that burns with a steady and constant fire within you. This inner-guru needs no validation – it understands that your truth may be different from another’s, or that it may be vaster than can be translated to another. You have this time now to see how you are honoring not just your truth, but your perpetual discovery of truth, truth in action, truth as a constantly flowing, living being that you are one with. You can arrive, but staying on the horse is an art form.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: The Soul insights you’ve had, bright gleaming ones, are continuing and deepening with Venus retrograde moving BACK into your solar soul house and staying there all month. A huge rebirth! Think empowerment around your creativity and ability to really deeply be in your essence. What are you feeling the impulse to become – what are the things that are appealing to you on a deep level right now? Your desires are going to reflect pieces of you that you see outwardly before you discover them within – while joining up or linking with that person, that creative project,, etc.. can help you activate that force within. This dynamic is likely to be strong this month – be aware, see what enchants you. Don’t miss the recognition by attributing it as it shows up only to things outside of yourself. It is you too. Empower your romance sector by being deeply creative within your own sphere of life – it will bring in sultry contacts with those who recognize your light.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: Contacts with people, romantic and otherwise, are setting off a lot of sparks for you this month. Mid month Venus starts to link up with your ruling planet Uranus too, electrifying and radicalizing the love life in a way that can be really fun – synchronicity, perfectly aligned meetings when you’re on the path of simply being YOU and following what interests and excites you. You get the most out of this linkup by engaging with people from the heart – and a level deeper as it confronts you to unglue yourself from any crustiness that has set in because it happens to all of us – chances are you have reviewed what needs to go and now there is more support to let it go and move forward. When Jupiter goes into Virgo mid-month and enters your solar soul sector, matters of the soul and deep psyche become like common sense… you can see yourself more deeply and make intelligent decisions based on inner-wisdom.
Pisces/Pisces Rising: The same ongoing ‘issues’ that you have wanted to work on or fix are coming into more focus and review. Positive things you can do for yourself don’t need to be drastic, small adjustments that bring you closer to your creative essence will open things up. You want to tune into those tiny places where your heart is armored, and see what kind of love you can fill there. August 11, Jupiter guru planet of philosophy and expansion enters your relationship sector – in the mercurial sign of Virgo – this is a great supportive energy for dialogues that expand your mind (or you expand other’s minds). Mercury enters Virgo and your relationship sector too. Teaching and being taught are themes. Mercury will oppose your ruling planet Neptune too – definitely you can meet spiritual guidance by engaging with others, who will say things that resonate and are feel like what you needed to hear. This is a great time to initiate contact with people who you feel you could learn something from/where there is mutual expansion to be had by the friendship.
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