
Tuesday August 11, 2015


There is something so beautiful and dreamy about this image I had to go with it. It seems to fit the Moon in Cancer – Neptune in Pisces trine of today, in an enigmatic way as Neptune might sometimes have it. 🙂

August 11, 2015


Aries/Aries Rising: This is like an insecurity-busting day. You may feel inclined toward fitting in with your clan just the same as you are urging toward new impulses that are challenging you but drawing you in nonetheless. Leaps of faith are good – there is some significant healing to come from letting parts of the self-image dissolve so that something that is true to you now can surface.


Taurus/Taurus Rising: Expansion is a key concept for today. You get the benefit of having a stable mind, open and permeable, receptive, but not excessively attached to what is passing through. And what is passing through today are healing insights, ‘aha’ moments that dissolve anxieties and preoccupations. Let the flow in – you don’t have to do anything but accept the messages as points of intrigue, and see what sticks.


Gemini/Gemini Rising: Feel your way into some more rooted expressions of insights you have been gaining of late – things that are a little bit far away maybe, but come closer if you build a bridge to them. Staying organized is now of extra luck for you – discerning or organizing what you are going to ‘let in’ your personal sphere is key. You are writing the space with your thoughts and intentions.


Cancer/Cancer Rising: A very individualistic flair to today – it may not exactly feel comfortable, and it seems to actually challenge the notion of what’s comfortable. But the good part is that it offers you a chance to be more true to yourself as opposed to accommodating. Respect your emotional needs and urges that come up today as important messages from the self.


Leo/Leo Rising: Places that you have been more calculating or exacting are now receiving some new perspective toward openness and a permeability that lets in more feeling. Welcome this as a tune-up that can dissolve rigidity where it doesn’t belong, however your discernment and boundary-setting is a good thing too as long as it serves your actual needs.


Virgo/Virgo Rising: A moment to think about how you feel fulfilled in your community, and how empowered you feel within community and your friendships to just be yourself. And knowing that unconditional love is always there for you, especially able to reach you when there aren’t defenses around your personality – you just are. Let other’s opinions be a boundary thing, not your business. Meet where there is invitation to meet.


Libra/Libra Rising: A day of emotional regrouping – and literally, how you are structuring your emotional experience. The boundaries or values you set up to contain them will be key, so choose something nurturing and fostering. The self-care you can tune into today is checking in with yourself about recent exciting (good or bad) experiences and getting the perspective that comes from looking back.


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: Your emotions during this yes, emotional Cancer Moon have something to tell you about your greater truth… and also perhaps where you are lying to yourself by going along with something that doesn’t actually feel right to you. Higher messages from the self abound. There is so much healing in letting this inform you of what you want to actualize.


Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: Take your power back today wherever you have let it out… you’ll know by where it is something outside of you that is ‘causing’ you distress. These are things to transmute within, really process and figure out the ‘why’ behind it, and also tune back into your own very expansive truth, which can overcome any trifle with love!


Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: Communications can take on a sweetness today -and also can be very emotionally based, as you are more in touch with your feeling nature and tuned into how to translate it. Think about what you need from another and what you can provide for yourself, what you can provide for others, and what really feels right and the most empowering for all parties regarding this.


Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: Micro tune-ins is something for you today – of course relative this new transit of Jupiter in Virgo, we want to be careful not to be critical with our micro lens. Tuning into your inherent value will help you readjust where you have gotten out of alignment with your true self on even a very practical level – nothing ’this isn’t me, I will do x now instead’. That inherent value is shining and brilliant, full of love bountifully!


Pisces/Pisces Rising: This is a creative moon great for bringing together some more recent emerging ideas and spiritual fire that has not yet found a ‘realized’ form but is now coalescing in your emotional body. Also really nurturing that side of you that likes to be seen and appreciated for just being you, making your creative expressions especially healing today.

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