
The Monarch Forecast: March 7-13, 2016


March 7-13, 2016

This is Eclipse week and the entrance into Eclipse season (our next Eclipse is during the Full Moon in Libra on March 23.) We are now feeling the fresh energy of Mars entering Sagittarius from Scorpio: our world of action is feeling open and boundless. The sources of conflict can be intrusiveness, boundary issues, feeling defensive about boundaries being crossed or feeling the impulse to get involved in someone else’s stuff, hypocrisy and the impulse to correct. Mars in the boxing ring of Sagittarius is potentially a good-natured spar, though depending on how attached a person is to their viewpoint being right, arguments about beliefs can be ugly and as we see culturally/historically, actually violent.

Someone was expressing to me once that debate used to be a positive process for both parties. The goal was not competitive in the sense that one person would win and be correct and the other person lose and be wrong, but that both sides would learn how to express their own truth better, and maybe even evolve their viewpoint.

The vibration coming through that I’m thinking about with Mars in Sagittarius is how we get defensive about truth or lies, riled up by it, and will actually feel our blood heating up for it. With intention, Mars is capable of grace and definition of its will, even in a boundless sign like Sagittarius.

Here’s a preview of this week – more for subscribers!

This week we have:

Sun in Pisces Opposite Jupiter in Virgo:

This is like a Full Moon energy except instead of the Moon being illuminated by the Sun, Jupiter is illuminated by the Sun. Instead of the emotional reality of Earth coming to a collective head or climax of intensity; it is the planet of truth and natural law, in the sign of health and discernment, being lit up. Watch for healing insights around the connection between emotions/spirituality and physical vitality and health. Think of health as a creative act; the systems of power that prescribe or dictate what health means are usually just made up of people doing their honest best – but they’re not necessarily right or objective law. They are professionals aligning with beliefs, which may or may not resonate with yours. How many medications are designed just to stifle symptoms but not alleviate the actual cause? That is a philosophical orientation to medicine, where there are other philosophical orientations that would take a more holistic approach and seek to heal the root. Whether imaginary constructs are floating around your realm from the outside or hang around compacted over time, this dynamic between the Sun and Jupiter can shift that blocked energy in favor of more truth. A bright dissolving light from the Sun in Pisces reveals where our habits are in or out of alignment with our higher good on the physical plane. Especially since this is Eclipse week – use these insights to let go of what is unhealthy in your life – blast it out. Clear the vessel. The truth can set you free; not to say it wouldn’t possibly feel INTENSE first. Jupiter is a drama planet. So is the Sun… but you’ve got this. You know self-care and tuning in to your natural essence equals vitality.

Keep reading the full forecast with the rest of this week’s harmonic planetary events & interpretations here.


(Image: Yuta Onoda)


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