
Getting Back to the Grid


Hey everyone, I was out adventuring before this Solstice, and am just coming back to the internet. I am excited to transition into public forecasting. I am still here. 🙂 Integrating a lot of new information and realizations.

How was your Full Moon & Solstice?

And as promised… here is a preview of this week’s forecast. It’s the last week that the full forecast will be for subscribers only. Next week is live!

On the 26th, Jupiter in Virgo will trine Pluto in Capricorn. This is the last hit of this trine (we had one in October of 2015 and another in March of this year). This reflects BIG changes that are harmonious and easy to make, even if we are talking Pluto here. So maybe I can take that back a little – changes that are easy to make if you’re cool with the Pluto vibe, which is about evolution and letting things have their fruition, death, and rebirth cycles. This is another push of that Virgo purification energy – which is not about societal or puritanical ideas of what “pure” is, but about what your nervous system legitimately aligns with and what it legitimately is unamenable to (even if it has seemingly built up a resistance). This alignment between Jupiter and Virgo makes moving on from what is deadweight to us open up a lot of joy, possibility, expansion and prosperity. The principle being that to move forward, to evolve and grow, we need to let go of what is no longer serving us.


(Image: Angela Rizza)

The trick with Jupiter in Virgo is discernment… and we grow in our capacity of discernment via practical, hard life experiences (Pluto in Capricorn), such as knowing what we don’t want from relationships by having relationships that didn’t work out. We couldn’t have possibly known what we didn’t want unless we went through that process of direct experience to learn.

If you are able to take practical lessons from your most recent losses, or what feels like reversals in fate, if you’ve experienced any, you’re doing the work of this transit and reward is likely to come based on what you attract in the future. When the lesson is learned, we no longer attract the teacher of that lesson. We get to graduate and integrate, instead. Even if something that’s gone on recently seems like such drudgery to pull up and analyze, if you can find the hidden wealth of wisdom that only occurs thru looking at and processing those truths, you may sooner move on than keep it festering in the backseat (where it inevitably gives instructions to the driver…). That’s what the clearing aspect of this transit is such a gift for. You have to go deep to pull the weeds.

~Sabrina Monarch

P.S. I was technically on the grid and I use that as an expression. My phone was dead for days tho.


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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Jennifer Farr
    June 21, 2016 at 6:25 pm

    Dear friends,

    Please allow me to share my experience, as well as wisdom from one of my favorite female role models, Christiane Northrup:

    If you find yourself mulling over memories, or specific people…If your mind is overcome with obsessive thoughts, or thought patterns that you just can’t control, it is quite possible that you have leaked your vital spirit energy.

    Over 30 years ago, I left some of my energy in the room where a childhood Doctor molested me. Before I fully healed from this, when I recalled the incident in my mind, I would see it all happening from above, like my spirit couldn’t handle what was happening so my spirit left my body while it was happening. At five years old, that was my defense. And even more strange, I can’t recall one doctor’s visit after that one where my spirit left my body.

    That Doctor died 20 years ago, but my energy remained in that room….until recently. I read a chapter from Dr. Northrup about energy leakages, and how to call your energy back to you. It’s easy, friends. Just call out, day or night, when you can’t control the obsessive thoughts, call out, “Spirit come back to me. Spirit return.”
    That’s all you need to do. Reclaim what is yours, especially if it’s been taken from you.

    And, since I’ve been calling my energy back, my mind doesn’t mull over obsessive thoughts anymore. I’ve called my energy back from so many memories and people, and I feel a great peace in my soul, having my energy as my own again, and no one controlling it but me.

    When I call back my spirit, I conclude the process with, “white light, make clear my divine destiny.”

    We all see FB memes that say, “manifest your destiny with your thoughts.” We can’t do that until we reclaim our personal power.

    Be at peace, my friends. May this wisdom from Dr. Northrup benefit you.


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