Hello, my loves! We have a beautiful New Moon in Pisces and Uranus enters Taurus this week and the words “subtle hedonism” come to mind. I am good friends with a newlywed couple, one a Taurus and the other a Pisces. One time I showed them the huge book “The Secret Language of Relationships: Your Complete Personology Guide to Any Relationship with Anyone” and when they looked up their relationship it basically just laid out a good time – that the voluptuous qualities of the Taurus would complement the subtle hedonism of the Pisces.
For us, there is some revolution to be had in our personal sensuality, to wake up subtle sensations where we were before tuned out. This could be like really feeling the wind on your face when you are outside or the water on your hands as you wash dishes, and really feeling the fabrics of your clothes brushing up on your skin. Imagine what it would be like to savor the sensations we normally tune out on autopilot. Even if you just were to check in with your toe or how the top of your head feels, as you think about it you can start to feel something. We often talk about sensitivity as though it leaves us more vulnerable to hurt and fluctuating emotions, but that’s just the half of it (as well as an invitation to develop various skillsets like boundaries but that’s another story!). Sensitivity is also about pleasure and connection.
And there’s something else to consider with these alignments. Are you, despite your best efforts, part of the collective paradigm that it’s all about working hard and hustling? This week life’s obligations might not pause (though Pisces Season, Mercury retrograde in Pisces, and Uranus entering Taurus would make a great time for a retreat vacation) but our approach to them may necessarily shift. It’s about finding the flow again and pleasure with the process – about alignment over hustle, allowing our dreams to come to fruition rather than making them come to fruition. These are subtle shifts that indicate our willingness to see that success or achievement on the material plane or having our life appear to be a certain way that we want is not only about physical and tangible ‘stuff’, but is also about the energetics behind the ‘stuff’. Every time we get a little bit too involved in appearances and forget to tap back in with Source, we may need to call ourselves back to center.
No matter what your schedule is, taking some time to drift into reverie and to communicate with Spirit would be a great way to connect with this astro weather. And when you’re answering to your responsibilities, think of how you might find more unusual, dreamy, or inspired ways to move through your work process.
This can also be a good time to remember that it’s not just about the ‘stuff’ and appearances of our lives but about how much love and happiness we feel. And this is not love and happiness that is derived as a reaction to having the right conditions – it’s unconditional love and unconditional joy that sparks into existence more reasons to love and be joyful because we are vibrational creators, too. And if you don’t know where to start, come back to the sensuality of the wind on your face!
We can always use our focus to magnify beauty.
It is common for people starting out with any vibrational or law of attraction or “positivity” practice to think you can’t have negative emotions or be emotionally authentic. That’s not true – you can hold loving space for whatever emotions you are feeling. More of a focus in this process could be to realize that conditions of life don’t have to make you feel any certain way – that we have an actual choice in how we want to respond to life and we can choose to be happier or more loving. Discovering how to do this authentically is the miracle. As we evolve our responses, it tends to evolve our conditions and opportunities too.
Before I get into this week’s astrology I want to make sure you all know about an Instagram challenge happening March 6 – April 4 – which is going to be a perfect opportunity to practice some subtle hedonism and connect to nature!
I’ve teamed up with plant educator and medicine maker Cici Cyr of Abundant LA to bring you an experience to welcome in the New Moon and Uranus’s entrance into the sign of Taurus! We’re asking you to get outside everyday March 6 – April 4 and connect with the plants, the elements, and share what messages, communications, and downloads you receive from connecting with these beings. Participation in this instagram challenge enters you into a drawing – the winner will receive over $1000 worth of prizes from Cici and I – including readings, beautiful plant medicines, and tuition to my next Evolutionary Astrology course. ?
On March 6 we have a New Moon in Pisces and Uranus moves into Taurus. As Uranus transits through Taurus the next 7 years, we are going to be experiencing paradigm shifts around our connection to the Earth, to the body, and to how we experience abundance. Uranus is correlated with both astrology and the internet, among the experiences of surprise, change, epiphany, innovation, and revelation. Getting downloads is a super Uranian experience to have. Taurus is an earth sign associated with embodiment, our physical senses, abundance, and the cultivation of beauty and worthiness. Because astrology is a participatory art, what better way to welcome in Uranus in Taurus than to build a bridge between the online world and the earth – and to get downloads and insights from Earth? We are at a crossroads as a planet where the more that people care about and have an intimate relationship to the Earth, the better – and as you participate in this challenge you will be helping to shift the tide in that direction.
Not familiar with talking to plants? —> I want to invite you to consider that when your thoughts and inner-world experience changes because of being out in nature or because you are immersed in a sunset it’s not just that a thing outside of you is inspiring you, it’s that you have entered a relationship and a collaboration with what you are observing and something new is created as you share space together. That is one way that nonhumans can communicate with us, as well as through visions, dreams and knowings. Being outdoors and intentionally communicating with trees and insects and streams allows us to access facets of consciousness that are harder (if not out of reach) to come by indoors. I invite you to stick with this process past the moments where you feel like this is silly or this isn’t working. Be curious about that. Court your inner-mystic and see what you are surprised with.
And those of you who already do communicate regularly with the nonhuman world, join in, be an inspiration and boost the signal!
Cici and I will both be participating in this challenge with you! I’m really inspired by Cici’s connection to the earth and enthusiasm for sharing plant wisdom with people and can’t wait to read about her and all of your experiences, and to share my own.
(Top Image: Two Women Acrobats by Charles Demuth)
Are you new here? Make sure to sign up for my mailing list here to stay in touch – you’ll receive these forecasts every week along with subscriber-only articles I write about specific transits. You’ll also be the first to hear about my upcoming podcast when it launches, as well as news about upcoming Evolutionary Astrology courses.
Here’s our week:
March 6, 2019
Uranus enters Taurus: 12:27 AM PST
(Image: Leah Berman)
Uranus in Taurus is fresh to most of us in this lifetime. Those around 84 and older have lived through it. Uranus moved into Taurus May 15, 2018, and retrograded back into Aries November 6, 2018. Now direct, it moves back into Taurus. At the zero degree mark, this placement is still ripe with possibility for the collective.
Uranus points to brilliance, epiphanies, and paradigm shifts. Neutrally – Uranus is change. On the more challenging end, it is also an archetype around trauma. Uranus is like voltage. Electricity has offered us a lot of freedom. We can feel positively electrified. But too much voltage at once and it’s a lot for the nervous system and psyche to handle.
With Uranus in Taurus, the paradigm shifts we are moving toward now relate to the basic elements of life and the body. This is a time where we can become more brilliant around resources, money, and abundance. It’s also a time where getting to know the body in a more intelligent way would be a fertile ground for personal revolution. For real – it’s like a time to feel excited about feeling sexy, enjoying crystals, evolving your relationship to money and resources, making alchemical meals in the kitchen, and reaching new heights in the world of pleasure and self-love.
Communally and on a world scale, this is about economic justice and basic rights. If we want to save the world, it’s not just about treating the symptoms of an ill world. What about early life access to good food and good education? Because not having basic needs in early life is a trauma, it’s important for us as a collective to discover how to nurture the young and set people up for success. We could move more toward cultivating thriving in the world, instead of cleaning up the symptoms that emerge later from collective traumas. Uranus in Taurus will be a good time for cultural innovation around how our most basic resources become more accessible and abundant.
A lot of our old paradigms involve zero-sum games, where scarcity is implicit – there’s simply not enough to go around. On both a personal and collective level, this trauma around scarcity can be something we free ourselves from. We can experience new levels of freedom in the realm of abundance and pleasure. If our paradigms hold us back from that (because we think there’s not enough to go around), that will be an edge to transform.
On the subtle level, this can correlate with all of our unconscious patterns around ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop’. We’ve processed and become used to a certain level of happiness, abundance, and wellbeing, and so when things get good we think something is going to go wrong so that the homeostasis of our normal level of happiness can be maintained. Taurus, in my opinion, is a very tantric sign – relating to our ability to open up to deeper and deeper levels of pleasure or receptivity itself. Everyone has their personal traumas and so does the collective. That doesn’t mean we always need to be holding space for the next traumatic thing to go down. There is a skillful way to be detached and present for issues and crises, but we don’t have to shut down our capacity to enjoy and feel pleasure – actually, it would behoove us to continue to keep those channels open. It’s vulnerable and a rollercoaster of its own to feel more – but novel experiences and intelligences are held in that kind of epic thriving.
Taurus is a sign that can get stuck in its ways – we have the same habits around what we like and what feels pleasurable and cozy to us. Habit can point to having a good foundation, having roots, being solid — but habit can also relate to ways in which we are in a rut. Over-habituation dulls the senses! We can collaborate with this Uranus in Taurus energy by introducing change to our environment and inner-landscapes in gentle and life-enhancing ways. (Or intense ways if it feels good to you!) But I say gentle because even a substantial change in diet changes your body chemistry and thus your internal environment and ALL the ways that majorly changes your experience. The possibilities are endless (…it’s not just about food but food is big with Taurus). The more receptive (Taurus) we are, the more we can notice paradigm shifts in our experience when we change the body & energy body in some way like develop core strength for the first time or get high from doing Kirtan chanting, or get acupuncture, etc.!
Too much change at once tends to be unsettling for the nervous system though, so when you’re the one applying the speed, remember Taurus is like the the Empress of gardening. Find out what makes your life fertile and experience the revolution of being receptive to your inner-nature.
New Moon in 15 Pisces: 8:04 AM PST
(Image: Arthur Prince Spear)
The Sun and Moon are conjunct Neptune and Vesta in Pisces, sextile Saturn in Capricorn, and sextile Mars in Taurus.
The New Moon is a great time to consciously set intentions, which you can watch grow throughout the first half of the lunar cycle, culminating at the Full Moon. At the Full Moon and after, we can shed and let go of things that we wish to part with.
In Pisces, this New Moon can be about our dreams and fantasies, as well as visions we have for being in service or being vessels of divine, transpersonal love.
We grow spiritually in the sign of Pisces, which can also mean dissolving layers of veil or illusion which obscure truth in our lives. While Pisces is a sign of great spiritual truths it is also a sign prone to escapism and illusion. Similar to the way that we become immersed in a film at a theater and suspend other realities for the moment, our temporary illusions grip our consciousness. We can become more lucid as we are more willing to see our fantasies for what they are — fantasies! (As opposed to insisting they are real!)
Once we are able to identify fantasy, we can be creative about the fantasies we choose to construct and give energy to. Our collective social values, our institutions, our governments, for example, have been co-dreamed into being. These things have become real in that they make up the fabrics of our mundane lives, but they were once dreamed up and continue to be dreamed.
Take note: are you making enough space in your life to dream? And if you do dream, are you finding a bridge that allows you to bring your dreams into reality? In Pisces, we are meant to navigate between the worlds – this allows us to contact magic and divine inspiration AND bring it home.
Sun conjunct Neptune in 16 Pisces: 5:00 PM PST
Our boundaries can be more permeable at this time – we are more receptive to feel the suffering on the planet as well as to the whisperings of divine inspirations. So often, however, empaths or people who identify as empaths are susceptible to the vision of empathy as though it’s only about receiving other people’s energy. This easily turns into a victim mentality, where we are too overwhelmed by our sensitivity. A virtue of the Sun however, is to radiate light from the center outward. When we are able to tune into vibrations like love or peace and then vibrate them outwardly, we send ripples out into reality that are powerful! Remember your role as a creator and imagine and emanate the energies you would like to see in the world. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t real. The things you see around you were once not real in a similar sense, also. Just by thinking of expanded ideas, you’re beginning to boost their signal and dream them into reality. Have the courage of heart to imagine love and peace, regardless of if that energy seems as rampant as you would like. Make it so.
March 8, 2019
Sun in 18 Pisces sextile Saturn in 18 Capricorn: 11:10 PM PST
As we are dreaming this week (it’s a Pisces New Moon and we’ve got a lot of planets in Pisces so let’s be real) it’s also a time to consider/enact activities that anchor these dreams into reality. Feeling and envisioning is just one step. But making commitments, setting aside time, keeping appointments or a schedule, making meetings, designing our websites, writing our bios, making our business plans, and any other thing we do to actually be accountable to our visions is key. Connect to the structures that support your dreams.
This transit is also an opportunity to dissolve standards or internalized judgements that no longer are true for us or that cause suffering for us. Compassionate Sun in Pisces shines the light on the parts of our consciousness where we are being too rigid or harsh. It’s easy to just believe and be convinced by the inner-judge, or by our shame. See what happens if shame or judgement comes up and you choose to bring some love, curiosity, and compassion to it instead of keeping it business as usual.
March 10, 2019
Mars in 16 Taurus sextile Neptune in 16 Pisces: 8:20 AM PST
Mars represents our vitality and fire, and here in Taurus and in aspect to Neptune, we may feel our vitality increase when our direction/will is potently aligned with our values and our spiritual inspiration, like we are aligned and on the path. Have you ever noticed how being bored or disconnected related to being tired or fatigued, but how when you’re turned on by life you feel super awake and vital? Though the feeling takes place in the body, energy versus fatigue can be a compass for how much esteem we feel in a given scenario. Court the experiences and dynamics that bring you to life – they are connected to your path. And once you are already there, connect to how you can share the wealth in a way that is mutually enhancing (to you and the environment and networks you are part of).
Thank you for meditating on the planets with me this week! I really appreciate you being here with me as I know that if you connect to this writing we have likemindedness and that is so special. Please share this article with a friend who you think would resonate!
Please let me know what you think in the comments – truly I want to know so leave a note! I love you and you are tribe to me, thank you for finding your way to these words and resonating with them in whatever ways you have. If you feel you would benefit from further guidance on your personal natal chart and transits, I am available to help! Book a reading with me here.
With love,
Sabrina Monarch
1 Comment
March 5, 2019 at 11:56 amThere are many voices anticipating a civil war in the United States. Can this be symbolized by Uranus in Taurus?