The Mercury Pluto square is active right now and majorly befitting of personal shadow work. Otherwise, the shadow is simply just projected at the world and…
“There were times when what was going on in my personal life was so overwhelming that I had to bend over to let those tears fall…
This current alignment of Mars and Jupiter in Virgo conjunct and also trining Pluto in Capricorn is reflecting back to us the places our beliefs have been…
Anxiety is, beyond first appearances, a gateway into greater contact with the spiritual dimension of life. To be human is to be experiencing oneself as an…
I am currently reading a book that details the lessons of each North Node and as it’s mentioning what emphasis one can take for reality to…
Lately I’ve been thinking of a quality within Gemini where they seem to channel information in a way that is particularly engaging… a mystical feeling even…
This New Moon in Libra heralds a new illumination of the relationships in our lives within the context of both our own individuation as well as…
Mercury in Libra retrograde has added a very internal focus to navigating relationships (while Mercury in Libra would normally be an extroverted expression of Mercury) so consider that…
We seem to think being productive is either soul-sucking or this societally imposed guilt complex. And this is Saturn/Capricorn territory. Capricorn does come along with a…
This season usually things seem to be winding down, but there’s been a steady energy of something building instead. Thinking the Jupiter Pluto trine has something…