a subtle but powerful discrimination exists in the realm of thought. can you see the exceptional rudeness of asking people questions that are setting them up…
Desire, then surrender. Or, desire with surrender. You are received no matter the outcome, sent on the path of your desire or illuminated into the awareness…
When it comes to anything mystical, Neptunian, Piscean or altered-state-y, you can certainly engage some rules. It’s the domain of boundaries and Saturn. We form structures…
I am in love with essence. I am thinking that a person’s essence is like a kind of theater. It sparkles. It is a reality of…
“And whosoever of them ate of the honey-sweet fruit of the lotus, had no longer any wish to bring back word or to return, but there…
“Could Mercury in Libra explain some of the difficulty of putting things into words sometimes?” I was asked this today and this is timely for the…
…The great Piscean insight here is that once the clouds of misjudged self-concepts evaporate, our true nature shines forth like the Sun. One of the core…
We had an opposition between Mercury in Virgo and Neptune recently, and we’re still in orb of it now. Next week Mercury in Virgo will oppose Chiron in…
Anything that does not serve you (such as fear, anxiety, grudges, etc.) can be offered up to Source to be transmuted. All you have to do…
The only dream I remember from this morning involved me looking at a “starburst of light” (that was in the dream language too) over a pebbled…