
Weekend Horoscopes August 21 – 23, 2015


Weekend of August 21 – 23, 2015


Aries/Aries Rising: This weekend is deeply confrontational with facing limitations. It is easy to project the Saturn in Scorpio energy onto another person or institution who seems to be blocking your impulsive will (and you will most likely discover this soul-charge through this). No one is in fact blocking you. This is the very place that needs conscious integration and re-empowerment. You are renewing something in yourself, rather than shifting the external circumstances to give you the exterior sense of satisfaction. You have to find it within.


Taurus/Taurus Rising: Deep diplomacy! Really the stakes of diplomacy this weekend are evolutionary for you and other parties involved. There is a real chance here to share responsibility and to grow through cooperation, even though asserting your own will seems and may very well be easier. You are all too aware however of the real cause and effect of these choices, and so consider that your efforts to act in integrity and cooperation are more self-fortifying than being self-preserving only would be.


Gemini/Gemini Rising: You can be experiencing some intensified pressure this weekend in a really micro-arena, of organization, health, maintenance matters. So it becomes a matter of if you need to keep pushing through or if you need to shift your focus to something in greater alignment. This may not be an immediate process, as there might be something to let go of or surrender first. You are getting more in tune on an inner-level with the guru figure, that inner sense of knowing, and the end of the weekend you may move into new ways of exchanging this outwardly, through other teachers or students however they show up.


Cancer/Cancer Rising: This weekend explores a dynamic around self-actualization – taking what you have actualized within your sphere of inner values, and putting it out, projecting it out, into the world (or world of interest). Naturally this is going to create an inner-dialogue of what is relevant, responsible, etc… to put out there. Or are you all ready to go but just finding blocks in your way? This will be about deep creative alignment, and surrendering visions that no longer serve you to make room for evolved forms. By the end of the weekend you are fine tuning and adjusting your way to new and open vistas.


Leo/Leo Rising: The place of evolution and growth this weekend is something to do with how you are internalizing your most impulsive drives. The internalization of them includes the value judgments placed upon them, the meaning derived from it, and how you may be structuring your inner world to accommodate these emerging needs or impulses. Your consciousness that is above water (able to be seen, observed, consciously) can be intentionally formed to serve a purpose. Your self-image is a commitment that influences what you manifest. Yes it’s a responsibility, but it’s also a seat of power for you to work with.


Virgo/Virgo Rising: You now are posed with a responsibility to yourself (and to those you are in exchange and relationship with) to be intentional with your communication. Is one thing said on the surface, but another thing felt below? Instead of negotiating with yourself before you’ve taken the chance, go ahead and take the chance. The worst it can do is bring up stuff to the surface to be dealt with, but the best it can do is offer you greater authenticity and a chance to express yourself with empowerment, not needing to hide behind masks. (And make it a habit, so stuff doesn’t build up.) Sun moves into Virgo Sunday!


Libra/Libra Rising: The First Quarter Moon seems to be relatively easy on you, but with worthy potentials to not pass up. Easy if you do not internalize pressures and judgments, but if you instead use Saturn for its fortifying powers as it energetically impacts your inner-Venus, your inner compass of values. This weekend you are called to root deeply into your inner world what discoveries you have made in the outer world in your explorations, in your visits to the plane of Higher Mind (flash ideas, epiphanies, insights, etc.). With your commitment, they can become realities.


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: This weekend begins with a big push on the instinctual plane, of being true to compass in your actions, and there is a stiffness with this. You are standing your ground and being true, but avoid being tyrannical or overly controlling. You can decisively commit in a new direction, moving out of and upon a current goal or process. When the Sun moves into Virgo, you’ll begin to feel a very pleasant mutability, which comes with the ability to arrange ideas and plans from a more objective and fluid lens. A refreshing outlook, great for new insights and infusions from Higher Mind.


Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: This weekend can have the effect of cooling your jets. Water does douse fire, and you are a fire sign – but think of the water dousing fires that are no longer serving you, maybe beliefs whose outcomes are not in alignment with your greater dreams and hopes for your life. The wild visionary becomes a little more focused and responsible. It does not have to be a drag. Rather, it can have positive long term effects if you choose your course of action with responsibility to the flow of what is really true for you. This means flexibility – you will be adjusting as you go.


Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: This First Quarter Moon can be seeing you commit to actions or plans that are in alignment with your individualistic path at this moment in time. See to it that you are acting from an empowered place and are not causing separation with your actions. Let your consciousness move towards paths of unification. If that doesn’t seem easy yet, see that the Sun moving into a fellow earth sign, Virgo, on Sunday will help bring your spirits up and out from the Underworld (where the Sun has been transiting for you, by the way!) New possibilities seem in reach, naturally.


Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: This weekend sees a lot of potentials and drives for greater commitment within key relationships – romantic, business, friendship or otherwise, the point being that at this current juncture you and the other will have more to offer each other through commitment. There is a chance that this may cause you to feel your very identity is shifting, when then the Sun moves into your solar house of renewal and rebirth, so there is something on a deeper level happening with that. You are changing. But you’re discerning how that change occurs according to your boundaries, and what and who you are letting yourself fuse with.


Pisces/Pisces Rising: The minor adjustments that equal diplomacy right now are huge for you. You’re getting in a natural alignment with what it means to show up for another and how to equally exchange with integrity. Amidst that, your HEART is going through hoops right now, or the refiner’s fire. It is growing, and this First Quarter Moon is also bringing you to blow out of the water your preconceptions, fears, and deep seated anxieties that agitate, rather than serve, your very powerful and sensitive heart! The strengthening process here is immense. Trust and lean into it.

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