Week of June 14 – 20 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Things are aligning so that you have the motivation and…
The only dream I remember from this morning involved me looking at a “starburst of light” (that was…
Today can feel strange for us as we are at the Last Quarter Moon in Pisces, Saturn is…
This trailer for the upcoming film The Martian was released today, and astrologically it correlates to the Mars…
This Neptune retrograde coming up (June 12) is a great time to go deeper into dream explorations –…
Week of June 7 – June 13 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: This week is as good as any to stop identifying…
Shia Labeouf has Chiron in Pisces transiting RIGHT over his natal 1st House Jupiter in Pisces.. and he just released…
Week of May 31 – June 6 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: With certain sensitivities in your emotional life explored, you…
June 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Though your M.O. often involves having a one-tracked mind and going straight toward that one…
“Imagine a country where everyone can be a king for five minutes and do during these five minutes…